GHOST MOTHER (and all forthcoming books) are 25% off from July 10--17 at Barnes & Noble! 

As I'm sure you know, preorders considerably help spread the word and get a book noticed, and I so appreciate everyone who has pre-ordered GHOST MOTHER already. If you haven't, please consider doing so, for the low price of about $14!

Go to GHOST MOTHER at B&N , enter the code Preorder25, and please, let me know what else you preorder! (My cart awaits...)

In other news, I had a great time teaching at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival, and am thinking about what to teach online in the Fall. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

Happy summer! Kelly 

Say hello at 

 "Ghost Mother is a moving, thrilling ride! I was so caught up in the mystery of the narrator's possible haunting, I couldn't stop reading until I learned the story's many secrets. I've read ALL the best haunted house novels, but none of them shocked me more at the conclusion than this mesmerizing plot! A must-read for those who love ghost stories..."

--Mona Susan Power, award-winning author of four books, most recently, A Council of Dolls

I'm grateful for this blurb from my dear friend and great writer Mona Susan Power.

I hope it makes you want to read the book! And if you do, please consider pre-ordering Ghost Mother!

Thank you so much for your support! xo Kelly

GHOST MOTHER at Barnes & Noble

My new novel GHOST MOTHER (Union Square & Co.) is available for pre-order through online bookstores, and will be available to purchase in bookstores on August 6, 2024. Whoo hoo! (That's the sound of my celebrating after having worked on the book for approximately 57 years... )

Please see links below to pre-order the novel, and if you like it, I'd be grateful for you to write a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. (If you don't like it, don't worry about it..) 😅 If you're a blogger or reviewer who might be interested in writing an early review, please let me know, and I'll be glad to send you a digital copy of the galleys. 

Thank you for your interest and support! Let me know what you think! xo Kelly


GHOST MOTHER at Barnes & Noble



Please join me, Kelly Dwyer, for the Iowa Summer Writing Festival on campus this summer!
We'll meet in the beautiful and inspiring UNESCO City of Literature, Iowa City, where we'll  workshop, laugh, eat, become inspired, and WRITE! 

"Mending the Muddle of the Middle," ISWF 2023

I'll be teaching two workshops this coming summer: 
Weeklong Workshops June 16–21: Writing the Popular Novel (In Any Genre)
Weekend Workshops June 22–23: Plotting the Plot in a Weekend

If you're interested in signing up for these classes, or in any of the wonderful classes taught by the fantastic faculty members this summer, please go to:

I can't wait to write with you in Iowa City!

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