(Picture of me, Kelly, wearing a t-shirt that reads, "Coffee, Books, Dogs.")

My time is no longer my own. Our house is a wreck, with shoes and toys all over the floor. I'm awakened too early every morning to the whines of a joyful young being ready to take on the day. And yet, all this trouble is worth it, because we're all so in love with our new family member. 

If it sounds like we adopted a toddler, you're not far wrong. Meet Roman, our three-month-old pug puppy.

(Picture of Roman)

He is a handful, but he is a happy, friendly, adorable, sweet handful, and after grieving over our beloved Rosie for over a year, we are so delighted to have a new dog in our lives. 

Roman (loosely named after one of our characters in the TV show "Succession") loves everyone, and everyone loves him. 

(Above: Roman with daughter Alice and husband Louis; 
Below: Roman with Alice and her boyfriend Ziggy)  

Are you a dog person? What kind of pets do you have? And do you agree that "Coffee, Books, Dogs" is a pretty good list for contentment? 💗

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