Please join me for two upcoming live events in September on Zoom!


 We're talking Ghost Mother and Prepping for Publication!

The first live Zoom event is Thursday, September 12th, 7 PM Central, when I will be in conversation with Amy Margolis, the Director of the University of Iowa's Iowa Summer Writing Festival. If you know Amy, then you know that she is brilliant and funny, so this is sure to be a good time!

The 45-minutes to 1-hour event will include a discussion with Amy about my new novel GHOST MOTHER published by Union Square & Co., a short reading, and a question-and-answer session with all of you!

There is no need to register for this event. Simply Join the Zoom discussion with Amy and Kelly here on Thursday, September 12th, at 7 PM Central.

One of the great joys of teaching at  The Iowa Summer Writing Festival   is that I get to meet and become friends with the most incredible people! One such person is Jessica Kusisto, a book influencer with an impressive YouTube channel and a super cute Etsy Page.

Jessica will be hosting my presentation on "Prepping for Publication." Our one-hour discussion is a truncated version of the "Prepping for Publication" day-long and weekend-long workshops I teach through the Iowa Summer Writing Festival, and will include the following topics:

  • Traditional publishing vs. self-publishing and what's right for you
  • How to find an agent
  • How to write a query letter (including hooks)
  • Feedback on your own query letter hooks! (The one-sentence description of your book that gets readers excited to read on.) If you'd like feedback, please come prepared to share your hook with the group.
  • Note that one person who attends will receive a free copy of GHOST MOTHER. (U.S. residents only--sorry.) 
The event is free but space is limited. Reserve your spot today! Once you register, you will receive an email with information on how to join on October 24th at 6 PM Central time, 

Please register for the FREE event, "Prepping for Publication," with Jessica and Kelly here.

Amy and Jessica and I hope to see you at these upcoming live Zoom events! 

Thank you for your support, all, and let me know how your readings and writings are going!

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