Bad Princesses


Every October a theatre company I'm involved in, CAB (Creative Alliance of Baraboo) Theatre, produces a night of short Halloween-themed plays written by local playwrights. The entries were due last spring. I knew I wanted to write about the Disney princesses again, and I liked the idea of Snow White and Cinderella handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, but I was having a hard time coming up with a conflict. My thirteen year-old daughter Alice suggested that maybe too many Elsas could come to the door, and immediately my wheels started turning. As I wrote, the theme song to "Cops" was playing in my head (not a wholly unusual occurrence, as it was my dad's favorite show, and so the theme song often plays in my head), and those two elements--Elsa and "Cops"--led to my short play, BAD PRINCESSES, BAD PRINCESSES, WHATCHAGONNA DO?

Last night it  was performed in the theatre at the University of Wisconsin, Baraboo/Sauk County, to about sixty audience members, in a production that was free and open to the public. And what a thrill it was for me to see it acted out by two incredibly talented actors, Rachel Lizzardo-McPherson as Snow White and Iveta Petkova-Ball as Cinderellas. Plays are blueprints, and they must have strong storylines and interesting characters, but it is the actors and directors who truly bring them to life. I am so fortunate to have had Rachel and Iveta bring my characters to life, under the thoughtful direction of Rhonda Siebecker.

There were a half-dozen other funny and interesting and creepy plays performed last night. I found Scott Rawson's monologue "Children" riveting.  Brian Riley's play about Frankenstein and Werewolf meeting on the subway was funny and thought-provoking, and Ben Bromley's play about Sherlock Holmes and the Missing Dipstick was hilarious.

But my play was my favorite.  :)   Thank you, Princesses!  (I'm afraid I didn't quite capture "bad princess" as well as these two. That's why they're on stage.)  I am not quite ready (after my accident) to write another play yet, but when I am (when I can think and write creatively, and when I don't get headache-y and nauseated after spending too much time writing or reading...), then, once again, you will be my muses!

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