"Ghost Mother is a moving, thrilling ride! I was so caught up in the mystery of the narrator's possible haunting, I couldn't stop reading until I learned the story's many secrets. I've read ALL the best haunted house novels, but none of them shocked me more at the conclusion than this mesmerizing plot! A must-read for those who love ghost stories..."

--Mona Susan Power, award-winning author of four books, most recently, A Council of Dolls

I'm grateful for this blurb from my dear friend and great writer Mona Susan Power.

I hope it makes you want to read the book! And if you do, please consider pre-ordering Ghost Mother!

Thank you so much for your support! xo Kelly

GHOST MOTHER at Barnes & Noble

My new novel GHOST MOTHER (Union Square & Co.) is available for pre-order through online bookstores, and will be available to purchase in bookstores on August 6, 2024. Whoo hoo! (That's the sound of my celebrating after having worked on the book for approximately 57 years... )

Please see links below to pre-order the novel, and if you like it, I'd be grateful for you to write a review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. (If you don't like it, don't worry about it..) 😅 If you're a blogger or reviewer who might be interested in writing an early review, please let me know, and I'll be glad to send you a digital copy of the galleys. 

Thank you for your interest and support! Let me know what you think! xo Kelly


GHOST MOTHER at Barnes & Noble

GHOST MOTHER at Bookshop.org


Please join me, Kelly Dwyer, for the Iowa Summer Writing Festival on campus this summer!
We'll meet in the beautiful and inspiring UNESCO City of Literature, Iowa City, where we'll  workshop, laugh, eat, become inspired, and WRITE! 

"Mending the Muddle of the Middle," ISWF 2023

I'll be teaching two workshops this coming summer: 
Weeklong Workshops June 16–21: Writing the Popular Novel (In Any Genre)
Weekend Workshops June 22–23: Plotting the Plot in a Weekend

If you're interested in signing up for these classes, or in any of the wonderful classes taught by the fantastic faculty members this summer, please go to:

I can't wait to write with you in Iowa City!

 My former and present students at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival have had a great year! Many of them have finished their novels and memoirs, and some have published them! Here is a probably not definitive round-up of their recent book publications. I hope you will join me in celebrating their accomplishments (and yours!) and buying and reading these wonderful books:


Patricia Boomsma’s latest novel, Flotsam, came out at the end of September, 2023. Please visit her website and find it at bookshop.org or wherever books are sold: 

Flotsam by Patricia Boomsma


Renee Enna’s novel Serendipity at Sea is available on Amazon as a paperback and e-book:

 Serendipity at Sea by Renee Enna

Jennifer Rosner’s novel, Once We Were Home (MacMillan/Flatiron books), was published in hardcover in March, 2023, will come out in paperback in March, 2024, and is now available in hardcover, as an e-book, and on Audible.  Please find it at Barnes & Noble or wherever books are sold:

Jennifer Rosner's Once We Were Home

Sally Stevens, author of I Sang That: A Memoir of from Hollywood, published in 2022, will also be publishing The Odyssey of Mrs. Naomi Billingsley very soon. Please look for it, and in the meantime, please find the former wherever books are sold.

I Sang That by Sally Stevens


What’s your news? How is your writing coming along? Let us know in the comments!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year, filled with love, friendship, inspired writing, and book deals!

Xo Kelly





 I'm excited to announce that I'll be teaching some upcoming writing classes online live over Zoom through the University of Iowa's Iowa Summer Writing Festival! 

Please join me for Flash Fiction in a Flash weekend of December 1-3, 

Prepping for Publication, a one-day workshop on December 9,

and/or Advanced Novel Workshop, an eight-week workshop beginning in January.

For more information, and to register, please go to 

ISWF Online Course Catalog

If you have questions, email me at KellyDwyer0077@gmail.com

Let's get inspired for the new year!

Hope to see you and write with you soon! Kelly

 How are you doing? 

When the world is a mess, I find that writing helps. Limiting the news enough to stay informed but not get overwhelmed helps. And animals, who keep us in the moment, help.

What helps you stay cared for and sane in tough times?

And in the spirit of most trivial thing possible to post about right now... Happy National Pug Day from me and Roman, at five months old. Love and peace to all. xo


(Picture of me, Kelly, wearing a t-shirt that reads, "Coffee, Books, Dogs.")

My time is no longer my own. Our house is a wreck, with shoes and toys all over the floor. I'm awakened too early every morning to the whines of a joyful young being ready to take on the day. And yet, all this trouble is worth it, because we're all so in love with our new family member. 

If it sounds like we adopted a toddler, you're not far wrong. Meet Roman, our three-month-old pug puppy.

(Picture of Roman)

He is a handful, but he is a happy, friendly, adorable, sweet handful, and after grieving over our beloved Rosie for over a year, we are so delighted to have a new dog in our lives. 

Roman (loosely named after one of our characters in the TV show "Succession") loves everyone, and everyone loves him. 

(Above: Roman with daughter Alice and husband Louis; 
Below: Roman with Alice and her boyfriend Ziggy)  

Are you a dog person? What kind of pets do you have? And do you agree that "Coffee, Books, Dogs" is a pretty good list for contentment? 💗

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